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About Us

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What is GenPals?

GenPals is a pilot program pairing service minded teenagers with Senior adults who desire social interaction and help with basic errands or projects around the home.


Why is GenPals important?

1 in 4 people over the age of 65 are socially isolated due to living alone, loss of family and friends, chronic illness and hearing loss. There is an overwhelming body of research that says loneliness and social isolation pose extensive and significant heath risks and increased risk of premature death from all causes, a risk that may rival those of smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity.


While some Seniors reside in assisted living facilities, most live independently at home alone or with an adult child. All are amazing people who have had incredible experiences and achieved much over their lifetimes.

What do GenPals do?

GenPals bridges the gap between generations who have much to learn about and enjoy in each other.  GenPals teens host regular activities and events for Senior friends including Picnics, dinners out, and holiday treat deliveries.  GenPals teens visit Seniors at home for social visits or to help with household chores, yard work or filling bird feeders.  The goals: share, serve, learn and make people smile.

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